Barrientos Island (1/31)

  • we had lunch with the redhead girl, her mother and Massimo
    • we were sharing our travels
    • we mentioned that we had now been on all 7 continents and so had the girl
    • Massimo “corrected us” and was like ‘well that was only an island you need to touch the mainland for it to count
    • she was completely defeated as her smile deflated
    • we jumped in saying it still counts

Tay head island (1/31)

  • had Massimo take a photo of us with the true south flag
    • we weren’t sure if it was right side up or not
  • we did a two-mile hike around the fur seals
  • we saw 2 Weddell seals in the water at the furthest vista
  • the Skuas were very interested in us and would often fly right above our heads
  • Massimo told us not to touch the bones because they have anthrax
    • later sean pilled up a penguin skull to rearrange it for a better leading lines photo