DRAFT: All the things
gentoo penguins at mikkelson harbor at the south end of trinity island (2/4)
- Gentoo’s had stone nests
- the chicks were late in the season and they might not survive to adulthood
- the penguins were going in and out of the wake which was cool to watch
- we couldn’t land on the beech due to the penguins so we had to ram the zodiac up on a large rock and jump off the front
- the ground was covered in mud, poop, and regurgitated fish
- Whale bones and whaling boats on the beech
- watching the chicks sit beneath their moms
- the smell of the island stayed on our coats
- we had to triple-wash our pants and boats when were back on the boat
- there were a couple of Weddell seals
- the landscape behind the island, with the glacier and the mountain’s stuff
- as I was boarding the zodiac I ran into Massimo and he mentioned that I still haven’t been on the continent because we were on an island
- I was so excited to get more door photos from the land of Antarctica
killer whale (2/4)
- at first, everyone’s autofocus on their cameras wasn’t working due to the lack of contrast and the smooth sea
- maternal led
- male and females have different sizes and shape of dorsal fins, males are bigger and more straight
- we are seeing the same group of photographers on the 5/6th floor observation deck at every whale siting
- passing Katies binoculars around to let people see them
- the killer whales had a reddish hue due to ????
spinning in the ice field (2/4)
- due to the killer whale sitting we didn’t have time for the zodiac cruise
- bud made an audible and we sailed the entire ship into the ice field
- we were able to get much closer to the large ice burgs in our ship. because they have a chance to roll which would be unsafe in the zodiac we spent some time in the hot tub with the sugarmans and the redhead girl
- we rushed out so we could make it to the talk
cooks nook dinner & hump backs (2/4)
- saw killer whales at the end of the debrief
- the wife of the man that is Scott’s competitor spotted them
- they were circling an iceberg with penguins on it
- the captain was there and said we will only stop for really good sitings (jokingly)
- I ran down and grabbed the camera and took a 1 min video from our balcony
- was late to dinner
- during the second course, I noticed a humpback and ran outside to grab some pictures
- right before our main bud came on the horn and announced humpbacks
- they were everywhere
- 3 groups, one of 6 and two of two
- it was so hard to know where to pay attention to as the blows and whale whales (the animal and the sounds) were coming from every here
- I stayed outside without a coat until my fingers were ready to fall off